Social Media

Nobody cares about your product, but content can change that!

No one cares about your product.


As an entrepreneur, you believe that your product will change the world.

Guess what?People are lazy and honestly don't like change.

Getting people to change their habits or buy a new product is hard.

Marketers and founders have hope that their product is a game-changer.

That's why they want to work for the brand or start a brand.

But not everyone has that same hope or early-adoption mindset.

This is not a knock on people who don't, because let's be honest, not all new things are beneficial.

The people that don't adopt early help you learn how to communicate and improve your product so that more people use it or enjoy it.

This truth also means you have to work hard at your marketing to teach people why they should care about your product.

I have been inspired by the book Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday a lot over this past month, and today I want to break down the core concepts of marketing your products.


1. Show and Tell

It may be boring to you to say the same things about your product repeatedly, but until you own the majority of your market, most people don't know your product.

You have to get in front of as many people as possible and show them how your product works.

Educate, educate, educate.

Get on TikTok, Youtube - heck in front of people on the street, and show them your product.

Most people reading this newsletter work at companies where the product solves a problem.

You also work at companies that don't own the majority of the market.That means there are still MILLIONS of people SEARCHING for the solution- your product.

If you want people to care about your product, you need to get in front of them and show them your product.

Find where your audience hangs out, and be there!

2. You can't rely on paid ads

I know this headline will ruffle a few feathers, but it is a hill that I am willing to die on.

Paid ads are great but think about this scenario.

If you turn off your ads and customers stop buying, you are highly leveraged and dependent on ad platforms.

You honestly don't have any brand loyalty with customers.

They will just bounce to the next product that gets in front of their eyes.

I am not saying you shouldn't use paid ads, but when you want to become the majority of the market, you need to be top of mind without paying for that attention.

Ultimately, word of mouth will be huge for you if you want strong conversion without paying for it.

Having a great product is a given, but there are other ways of getting people to share about your brand.

Create an experience worth sharing about with friends.

People want to share entertainment or something fascinating.

What content can you create that is either funny enough to share or educational enough to send to others?

For education, if you are a skincare brand, for example, instead of educating on your product, educate about something more general like five myths about acne.

Go beyond talking about your product and talk more about your industry.

This video might be more share-worthy because it breaks a myth or a preconceived notion.

For entertainment, you could go on the streets and interview people about their skincare routine - the answers could be hilarious and worth sharing.



Create Discount Programs for Hundreds of Customer Communities with SheerID

Verified, brand-owned, opted-in zero-party data is every marketer’s dream in a world where we rethink 3rd party digital campaigns as regulations start to tighten.

Previously, only large corporations had access to this kind of data.

Now you can too.

Tap into hundreds of customer communities with discount programs from SheerID- like military, global students (193 countries), nurses, and more.

With SheerID, you can acquire new customers from tight consumer communities that share offers with other members and become your own brand advocates.

After working with brands like Nike, Amazon, Spotify, SheerID is turning its attention to helping grow any e-commerce store with a user experience that is secure (prevents discount fraud), simple (takes about 10-15 min to get a live discount set-up), and safe (no data sharing or selling, ever, the best part!)

I am working with SheerID because they are a great product that also is not profiting from bad ethics like selling data.

They are offering a full functionality 30-day free trial with up to 500 verifications ($625 value) and offer their verifications on a pay-as-you model after the trial for $1.25 per verification after.

Learn More About SheerID


3. Content to engage customers after the first purchase

Ultimately, to get the majority of the market, you need to limit churn.

The first two sections were about attracting new customers.

Although that is important, a main flaw of brands' content is that they don't create for the customers who have already purchased.

To keep people in your ecosystem, you need to create content engaging people who already understand your product.

Long-form content plays nicely in this part of the customer journey.

You could do interviews, live chats within your community, or other long-form education that allow you to talk to customers longer.

Because they already bought your product, they are open to having a more extended conversation with you than someone who doesn't understand your product or heard about your brand.

The long-form content nurtures loyalty and allegiance to your brand.

This phase is a turning point from become casual fan to lifetime customers.

You need to focus on building content to get people to become lifetime customers if you want the majority share of the market.

Your product value propositions are great for first-time listeners, but after that, customers need depth.

This area of content takes longer to develop, but ask your most loyal customers what they want for content.

Your audience will help guide you on what you should create for them.


Today's newsletter is a little more big-picture than it is tactical or direct examples.

I want to leave you with this.

Nobody cares about your product - YET.

Don't be disheartened by that statement.

This fact should inspire you to keep going - the market is still yours for the taking!

Keep putting in the work every day to educate people about your product.

Celebrate the wins along the way, and don't stop moving.

Social Media

Nobody cares about your product, but content can change that!

No one cares about your product.


As an entrepreneur, you believe that your product will change the world.

Guess what?People are lazy and honestly don't like change.

Getting people to change their habits or buy a new product is hard.

Marketers and founders have hope that their product is a game-changer.

That's why they want to work for the brand or start a brand.

But not everyone has that same hope or early-adoption mindset.

This is not a knock on people who don't, because let's be honest, not all new things are beneficial.

The people that don't adopt early help you learn how to communicate and improve your product so that more people use it or enjoy it.

This truth also means you have to work hard at your marketing to teach people why they should care about your product.

I have been inspired by the book Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday a lot over this past month, and today I want to break down the core concepts of marketing your products.


1. Show and Tell

It may be boring to you to say the same things about your product repeatedly, but until you own the majority of your market, most people don't know your product.

You have to get in front of as many people as possible and show them how your product works.

Educate, educate, educate.

Get on TikTok, Youtube - heck in front of people on the street, and show them your product.

Most people reading this newsletter work at companies where the product solves a problem.

You also work at companies that don't own the majority of the market.That means there are still MILLIONS of people SEARCHING for the solution- your product.

If you want people to care about your product, you need to get in front of them and show them your product.

Find where your audience hangs out, and be there!

2. You can't rely on paid ads

I know this headline will ruffle a few feathers, but it is a hill that I am willing to die on.

Paid ads are great but think about this scenario.

If you turn off your ads and customers stop buying, you are highly leveraged and dependent on ad platforms.

You honestly don't have any brand loyalty with customers.

They will just bounce to the next product that gets in front of their eyes.

I am not saying you shouldn't use paid ads, but when you want to become the majority of the market, you need to be top of mind without paying for that attention.

Ultimately, word of mouth will be huge for you if you want strong conversion without paying for it.

Having a great product is a given, but there are other ways of getting people to share about your brand.

Create an experience worth sharing about with friends.

People want to share entertainment or something fascinating.

What content can you create that is either funny enough to share or educational enough to send to others?

For education, if you are a skincare brand, for example, instead of educating on your product, educate about something more general like five myths about acne.

Go beyond talking about your product and talk more about your industry.

This video might be more share-worthy because it breaks a myth or a preconceived notion.

For entertainment, you could go on the streets and interview people about their skincare routine - the answers could be hilarious and worth sharing.



Create Discount Programs for Hundreds of Customer Communities with SheerID

Verified, brand-owned, opted-in zero-party data is every marketer’s dream in a world where we rethink 3rd party digital campaigns as regulations start to tighten.

Previously, only large corporations had access to this kind of data.

Now you can too.

Tap into hundreds of customer communities with discount programs from SheerID- like military, global students (193 countries), nurses, and more.

With SheerID, you can acquire new customers from tight consumer communities that share offers with other members and become your own brand advocates.

After working with brands like Nike, Amazon, Spotify, SheerID is turning its attention to helping grow any e-commerce store with a user experience that is secure (prevents discount fraud), simple (takes about 10-15 min to get a live discount set-up), and safe (no data sharing or selling, ever, the best part!)

I am working with SheerID because they are a great product that also is not profiting from bad ethics like selling data.

They are offering a full functionality 30-day free trial with up to 500 verifications ($625 value) and offer their verifications on a pay-as-you model after the trial for $1.25 per verification after.

Learn More About SheerID


3. Content to engage customers after the first purchase

Ultimately, to get the majority of the market, you need to limit churn.

The first two sections were about attracting new customers.

Although that is important, a main flaw of brands' content is that they don't create for the customers who have already purchased.

To keep people in your ecosystem, you need to create content engaging people who already understand your product.

Long-form content plays nicely in this part of the customer journey.

You could do interviews, live chats within your community, or other long-form education that allow you to talk to customers longer.

Because they already bought your product, they are open to having a more extended conversation with you than someone who doesn't understand your product or heard about your brand.

The long-form content nurtures loyalty and allegiance to your brand.

This phase is a turning point from become casual fan to lifetime customers.

You need to focus on building content to get people to become lifetime customers if you want the majority share of the market.

Your product value propositions are great for first-time listeners, but after that, customers need depth.

This area of content takes longer to develop, but ask your most loyal customers what they want for content.

Your audience will help guide you on what you should create for them.


Today's newsletter is a little more big-picture than it is tactical or direct examples.

I want to leave you with this.

Nobody cares about your product - YET.

Don't be disheartened by that statement.

This fact should inspire you to keep going - the market is still yours for the taking!

Keep putting in the work every day to educate people about your product.

Celebrate the wins along the way, and don't stop moving.

Social Media

Nobody cares about your product, but content can change that!

No one cares about your product.


As an entrepreneur, you believe that your product will change the world.

Guess what?People are lazy and honestly don't like change.

Getting people to change their habits or buy a new product is hard.

Marketers and founders have hope that their product is a game-changer.

That's why they want to work for the brand or start a brand.

But not everyone has that same hope or early-adoption mindset.

This is not a knock on people who don't, because let's be honest, not all new things are beneficial.

The people that don't adopt early help you learn how to communicate and improve your product so that more people use it or enjoy it.

This truth also means you have to work hard at your marketing to teach people why they should care about your product.

I have been inspired by the book Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday a lot over this past month, and today I want to break down the core concepts of marketing your products.


1. Show and Tell

It may be boring to you to say the same things about your product repeatedly, but until you own the majority of your market, most people don't know your product.

You have to get in front of as many people as possible and show them how your product works.

Educate, educate, educate.

Get on TikTok, Youtube - heck in front of people on the street, and show them your product.

Most people reading this newsletter work at companies where the product solves a problem.

You also work at companies that don't own the majority of the market.That means there are still MILLIONS of people SEARCHING for the solution- your product.

If you want people to care about your product, you need to get in front of them and show them your product.

Find where your audience hangs out, and be there!

2. You can't rely on paid ads

I know this headline will ruffle a few feathers, but it is a hill that I am willing to die on.

Paid ads are great but think about this scenario.

If you turn off your ads and customers stop buying, you are highly leveraged and dependent on ad platforms.

You honestly don't have any brand loyalty with customers.

They will just bounce to the next product that gets in front of their eyes.

I am not saying you shouldn't use paid ads, but when you want to become the majority of the market, you need to be top of mind without paying for that attention.

Ultimately, word of mouth will be huge for you if you want strong conversion without paying for it.

Having a great product is a given, but there are other ways of getting people to share about your brand.

Create an experience worth sharing about with friends.

People want to share entertainment or something fascinating.

What content can you create that is either funny enough to share or educational enough to send to others?

For education, if you are a skincare brand, for example, instead of educating on your product, educate about something more general like five myths about acne.

Go beyond talking about your product and talk more about your industry.

This video might be more share-worthy because it breaks a myth or a preconceived notion.

For entertainment, you could go on the streets and interview people about their skincare routine - the answers could be hilarious and worth sharing.



Create Discount Programs for Hundreds of Customer Communities with SheerID

Verified, brand-owned, opted-in zero-party data is every marketer’s dream in a world where we rethink 3rd party digital campaigns as regulations start to tighten.

Previously, only large corporations had access to this kind of data.

Now you can too.

Tap into hundreds of customer communities with discount programs from SheerID- like military, global students (193 countries), nurses, and more.

With SheerID, you can acquire new customers from tight consumer communities that share offers with other members and become your own brand advocates.

After working with brands like Nike, Amazon, Spotify, SheerID is turning its attention to helping grow any e-commerce store with a user experience that is secure (prevents discount fraud), simple (takes about 10-15 min to get a live discount set-up), and safe (no data sharing or selling, ever, the best part!)

I am working with SheerID because they are a great product that also is not profiting from bad ethics like selling data.

They are offering a full functionality 30-day free trial with up to 500 verifications ($625 value) and offer their verifications on a pay-as-you model after the trial for $1.25 per verification after.

Learn More About SheerID


3. Content to engage customers after the first purchase

Ultimately, to get the majority of the market, you need to limit churn.

The first two sections were about attracting new customers.

Although that is important, a main flaw of brands' content is that they don't create for the customers who have already purchased.

To keep people in your ecosystem, you need to create content engaging people who already understand your product.

Long-form content plays nicely in this part of the customer journey.

You could do interviews, live chats within your community, or other long-form education that allow you to talk to customers longer.

Because they already bought your product, they are open to having a more extended conversation with you than someone who doesn't understand your product or heard about your brand.

The long-form content nurtures loyalty and allegiance to your brand.

This phase is a turning point from become casual fan to lifetime customers.

You need to focus on building content to get people to become lifetime customers if you want the majority share of the market.

Your product value propositions are great for first-time listeners, but after that, customers need depth.

This area of content takes longer to develop, but ask your most loyal customers what they want for content.

Your audience will help guide you on what you should create for them.


Today's newsletter is a little more big-picture than it is tactical or direct examples.

I want to leave you with this.

Nobody cares about your product - YET.

Don't be disheartened by that statement.

This fact should inspire you to keep going - the market is still yours for the taking!

Keep putting in the work every day to educate people about your product.

Celebrate the wins along the way, and don't stop moving.

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Ready to upgrade your social media game?

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Ready to upgrade your social media game?

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